Press Coverage: Aromeo Founder Story

Aromeo is honoured with the attention and coverage from various news outlets in Hong Kong, detailing the founder story from medical school to startup founder. Yet this is just one out of the many stories within Aromeo. Many stories of struggle, of victory, of persistence, of gratitude, of generosity, and of unity that are yet to be told.

Special thanks to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for organizing the press conference, and all media friends who came to support us.

We will post the English version of Aromeo's founder story, and how we started Aromeo as an exploratory project and transformed it into a company. Meanwhile, please enjoy the following links that are written in Chinese:


Collection of News Clippings - [CLICK HERE](

明報 - 棄讀醫追創業夢 科大生製智能香薰機

明報 - 外婆開廢膠廠養活300人 視為榜樣

明報教育 - 棄讀醫追創業夢 科大生製智能香薰機

明報教育 - 外婆開廢膠廠養活300人 視為榜樣

香港01 - 科大女生棄醫從商 創業研發智能香薰系統 獲唯港薈採用

am730 - 科大全新智能香薰機 調製個人化芬芳氣味

香港經濟日報 - 科大碩士生3度創業 研智能香薰機

經濟日報 – 祖母為榜樣 香味引導認識芳療

經濟日報 – 科大學者:港生缺冒險概念

晴報 - 印尼華僑生棄醫從商推智能香薰機

星島日報 - 科大生研智能香薰系統 按心情釋香味

都市日報 - 印尼女生棄讀醫學 研智能「香」

Yahoo! – 印尼華僑生棄醫從商 推智能香薰機

大公報 - 女生棄醫從商研智能香薰機創業

香港商報 - 科大女生研智能香薰系統

RTHK – Hong Kong Today (49:10 – 51:35)

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